Trump’s First Congressional Address – Our Synopsis


Ultimately, President Trump’s address dealt with all the primary concerns of real, American citizens, including the repeal of Obamacare. An executive order has already “unburdened the states” of Obamacare’s stipulations, and full repeal is forthcoming. The Republican Party is carefully working to determine the most cost-effective way to repeal the law and still keep their constituents insured in the meantime.

It is important to note that all these answers to complicated problems come after President Trump has only been in office for a single month. In four weeks, most concerns have already been addressed, and though liberals focus on the imperfections, policy solutions are still in the process of unfolding. Trump has already upheld nearly all of his campaign promises in the process, and though the media attempts to paint him negative light, this address exemplifies the administration’s commitment to stay the course.