Twitter’s ‘Rate Limit Exceeded’ Sparks Chaos, Musk Responds

Rate limit exceeded Twitter

Twitter users across multiple nations experienced accessibility issues and time lags on the social media giant on Saturday, resulting in the terms “Rate Limit Exceeded” and “#TwitterDown” rising to the top trending topics for those who could still access the platform.

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For the uninitiated, imagine attempting to refill your gas tank only to find the pump sputters out after a gallon – a perplexing situation, to say the least.

Rate limit exceeded Twitter : The Tweets That Ignited the Fire

The root of the debacle started with a tweet from Twitter’s billionaire owner, Elon Musk, who hinted at the newly imposed limitations on the number of tweets that users can view per day.

In response to high levels of data scraping and system manipulation, Musk explained that the platform had established temporary limitations.

These included verified accounts having a daily cap of 6,000 posts, unverified accounts reduced to 600 posts, and new unverified accounts whittled down to a mere 300 posts per day.

Before Musk shed light on this new policy, users found themselves confronted with a mysterious alert reading “rate limit exceeded.”