Where Were You When John Lennon Died?


This is the anniversary of John Lennon’s death. Are you old enough to remember where you were when John Lennon died?

He was murdered  41 years ago today. There’s a lot online about Lennon being murdered with a gun. That’s true.

But I’m one of those people that think of John Lennon as more of a cultural rather than a political figure. He was a music icon. And he definitely took to political statements in his last years.

But his life and death are sentimental and personal to me.

I don’t spend a lot of time wondering if the murderer would have been successful with a knife instead of a gun.


I remember the day John Lennon died…

I’m 65 years old and I remember where I was the day John Lennon died.

I was really too young to appreciate the Beatles’ madness of the 1960s. But the “fab four” separately were a part of my late teen and early 20 years.

I believe I saw Paul McCartney and his group Wings in concert. But my alcoholism was a big part of my life back then. And the concert was a black-out for me. I was drinking so much that my memories are lost forever. I really think it might have been in Houston…oh well.