Workplace COVID Vaccine Mandates Lead to More Debates


Across the country, various businesses are rolling out COVID vaccine mandates. Some are saying that workers must get the vaccine or submit to COVID testing on a daily or weekly basis; other businesses maintain that workers who refuse the COVID vaccine will find themselves out of a job.

Many conservatives have pushed back against workplace COVID vaccine mandates in full force. The idea here is that businesses do not have the right to make medical decisions for even people who work for them.

Several days ago, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, a Republican, also shared her views about COVID vaccine mandates in the workplace. Her take, however, is not getting accolades from many conservatives.

Governor Noem on COVID vaccine mandates in the workplace

The South Dakota GOP governor stated days ago that workers who oppose vaccine mandates from their employers are within their rights to find a job elsewhere. Moreover, Noem declared that the current state of the economy gives workers many choices in finding employers who value personal choice over mandates.