When it comes to contacts, most consumers at least know of the company (and website) behind 1-800-CONTACTS. However, while consumers may reap the benefits of contacts delivered straight to their door, those who wanted to learn more about their options online may have been denied that possibility. On October 30, 2017, federal court ruled in favor of the FTC who alleged that 1-800-CONTACTS acted in a way that was unfair when it came to competing with other contact lenses providers who could be found online.
What’s So Unfair About Search Engines?
If you search for anything online, you know that you get back ordered results that the search engine ranks as most likely to fit your search query. The further you go down the list, the more likely it is that you won’t find what you’re looking for. Depending on your search engine of choice, the very top of your page one results could include advertisements. While these ads are clearly denoted to viewers, it’s just one of many ways that companies will spend money to get the attention of consumers. So, what’s so unfair about that?