6 Tips to Protect your android device from FlyTrap Malware


Malicious ads still live and remain active in the wild.  Android users need to take precautions to avoid FlyTrap malware. Here are six quick tips to protect your devices.

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  1. Use anti-malware and antivirus apps. Scan new apps for known threats before downloading. This will also help spot infected devices to remove malware.
  2. Do not allow unknown apps unnecessary permissions. Less engagement equals an extra layer of protection.
  3. Never download an unknown app. Even apps from the Google Play Store can be infected. Carefully vet anything you download.
  4. Never click on an unknown link. And free offers are often scams. Watch out for phishing or similar online scammer techniques.
  5. Never share your Facebook account information with anyone. Do not trust third-party apps.
  6. Only log into Facebook (and other social media) through the official website for the login page. Do not respond to prompts from an ad, unknown email, or unrelated app.