Why are we afraid to meet people and make some non-romantic relationships?


-Think about your deal breakers and what your needs will be while you’re away. For example: are you a night person or a morning person, clean or messy, etc., etc.

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-Make sure you have the opportunity to speak with this individual on the phone to further check out compatibility.

-Use your intuition and common sense. If you don’t feel comfortable, respect your feelings and follow your comfort level.

And finally

Don’t provide personal info and consider meeting in a group before making any final travel decisions.

According to Anna Covic, the destinations specialist for TripTogether.com, a service that helps travelers to connect with travel buddies across the globe,“Traveling is more exciting and safer when shared with travelmates.” She has found that today’s international and domestic travel enthusiast enjoys connecting with others. “By connecting with other companions who share your travel passion, willing to spend the whole trip together, traveling to new destinations is becomes an even more rewarding experience.”