How Al Jazeera Impacts U.S. Foreign Policy


The United States has few dependable allies in the Middle East, aside from Israel.  U.S. ally and NATO member, Turkey, has frequently bombed the Kurds.  American cooperation with the SDF and YPG often provokes Turkish complaints, while American attempts to address those complaints often damage our relationship with our Kurdish allies.

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The Gulf States and Egypt have decided that it is in their best interest to support us against Iran.  As Iran gains influence in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, these Sunni monarchies fear that Iran will encourage terrorism or Shiite separatism within their borders, especially Bahrain. Although he is concerned, this is why Trump is unlikely to defend Al Jazeera or complain about the blockade.  These monarchies have demonstrated a willingness to work with Trump.  It would be foolish for the president to enter this dispute on Qatar’s behalf.