Alphabet: New Finance Tab Added on Google Search

Alphabet-Google Search adds New Finance tab

Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL) announced the addition of a new Finance tab on Google Search on Tuesday. The tech giant said the new tab works just like the images and news tabs.

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In a blog post, Google Search product manager Haimin Lee wrote that the interest in finance and stock increased significantly. Over the past five years, users’ inquiries for both topics doubled.

According to Lee, that is the primary reason for the company’s decision to expand users’ finance experience inside Google Search.

Google Finance
Credits: Google

With the new Finance tab, users will be able to easily access and monitor market news and in-depth insight about companies. Users will be able to see the performance information of the stocks they bought or follow. They will also get recommendations on other stocks to follow based on their interests, related news, market indices, and currencies.

Additionally, Alphabet decided to retire some features of Google Finance including the portfolio and historical tables. Users will no longer be able to download their portfolio.