Americans Eager for Change in U.S. Government


There are more interesting things happening in the United States government now than ever before. However, this isn’t necessarily a good thing, at least not to many Americans.

A new survey sheds light on how many people in this country feel about the United States government.

The People’s Take on the United States Government

According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the University of Chicago Harris School for Public Policy, 54% of Americans favor major changes in government. Another 12% of polled Americans asserted that the entire government is need of a full replacement. However, an additional 32% of surveyed individuals stated that few to zero changes are necessary in government.

The aforementioned findings regarding views on government share alignment with partisan ideologies. Individuals who identify as Independents are likelier to believe that a complete replacement of government is in order.

On the other hand, only 22% of surveyed Republicans support a full replacement of the current U.S. government. 61% of Democrats in the survey expressed support for significant changes in Washington.