Avast lists 28 malware-infected browser extensions, downloaded 3 million times 


Prague-based Avast reported that almost 3 million people have been infected by browser extensions they downloaded for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers. The malware-infected apps can steal private data and redirect users to phishing or advertising sites.

The Avast Threat Intelligence team said on Wednesday that they had discovered 28 browser extensions or add-ons that had malicious code. The malware code was found in the JavaScript-based extensions which infect a computer or other device when downloaded.

Many of the extensions claim to be apps that are tools to download pictures, videos, and content from social media sites. The sites include Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, and Spotify. Some of the malware-infected sites are still available for download from both Google and Microsoft.

Malware-infected apps spy on users

Avast detailed the threat of the browser extensions in its report claiming, “Users have also reported that these extensions are manipulating their internet experience and redirecting them to other websites. Anytime a user clicks on a link, the extensions send information about the click to the attacker’s control server, which can optionally send a command to redirect the victim from the real link target to a new hijacked URL before later redirecting them to the actual website they wanted to visit.”