The company is actually working with the US Federal Aviation Administration to develop ways for the cars to actually travel around buildings and also develop a way to create a traffic management system, as well. Boeing is also working in conjunction with a startup by the name of SparkCognition, Inc., as well.
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For those that want to know more about the vehicles, Boeing is hoping that the cars will eventually disrupt the package delivery sector. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, considering two of the largest American retail corporations, Wal-Mart and Amazon, are racing to become the first company to use drones to deliver packages to millions of consumers.
The new developments are thanks to the fact that Boeing acquired Manassas, Virginia-based Aurora Flight Sciences in late 2017. The company hopes to create two types of aircrafts, one that can carry two passengers, and one that can carry four. The goal is ultimately for the aircraft to be able to carry passengers 50 miles, and time will tell if and when Boeing will be able to do so.