Border Patrol Official Has Strong Words for Biden


The southern border’s current state is unstable, unsustainable, and downright dangerous. Drugs, for one thing, are pouring across the border at record rates. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security confirms that crossings are higher now than they’ve been in over 20 years.

Make no mistake; all of this boils down to the failed, feckless policies that President Biden has chosen to embrace. Before Biden got into office, the southern border was under control. The current president changed all of that as quickly as he could.

Moreover, the carelessness of the Biden administration on immigration is not only impacting the United States as a collective; it’s also making the jobs of Border Patrol that much harder.

Now, the president of a Border Patrol union has a thing or two to say about Biden and his immigration policies.

The facts on illegal immigration and border chaos under Biden

Less than a week ago, Brandon Judd spoke with Fox News about what’s happening at the southern border. Judd’s worked at the border since the Clinton presidency and he did not mince words.