BREAKING: House Female Lawmakers Call for Investigation into Sexual Allegations against Trump


A group of Democratic female lawmakers are encouraging the House Oversight Committee to investigate the allegations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump.

Their call comes after three of Trump’s accusers demanded accountability and congressional probe regarding the matter. At least 16 women accused the President of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

Congress cannot ignore the multiple sexual allegations against Trump

In a letter to the Committee, 54 members of the Democratic Women’s Working Group (DWWG) said Americans deserve a “full inquiry.”  They need to know the truth regarding the accusation against the President.

According to them, “Women across the country are coming forward with their harrowing stories of sexual harassment and assault.” The #MeToo movement motivated women to speak up and turn the spotlight on sexual misconduct.

A number of prominent personalities in the entertainment, media, and politics were fired or resigned because of sexual allegations.

“Members of Congress have also come under scrutiny and investigation, some are resigning, for improper sexual conduct. We cannot ignore the multitude of women who have come forward with accusations against Mr. Trump,” according to female lawmakers.