Sarah Sanders Faces Off With Jim Acosta During White House Press Briefing


Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and CNN’s Jim Acosta clashed during Monday’s White House Press Briefing, as reported by The Daily Wire.

The Heated Exchange

Sanders began by censuring what many conservatives and Trump supporters refer to as ‘fake news;”

There was nothing more than an individual trying to put their bias into their reporting and something that, frankly, has gotten a little bit out of control. We’ve seen it time and time again over the last couple of weeks. A number of outlets have had to retract and change and re-write and make editor’s notes to a number of different stories, some of them with major impacts, including moving markets. This is a big problem and we think it’s something that should be taken seriously.

However, Acosta didn’t like this because he quickly rushed to the defense of journalists:

I would just say, Sarah, that journalists make honest mistakes and that doesn’t make them fake news, but the question that I have —

Sanders quickly fired back with the following message: