CFTC imposes $1.5 million fine against Bitfinex over illegal transactions


Separately, on Friday, the Commission ordered Tether to pay a civil monetary penalty of $41 million for or making false or misleading statements and removing material facts about its U.S. dollar tether token (USDT) stablecoin.

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In a statement, CFTC Acting Director of Enforcement Vincent McGonagle said, “As demonstrated by today’s actions against Tether and Bitfinex, the CFTC is committed to carrying out its statutory charge to promote market integrity and protect U.S. customers.”

“The CFTC will use its strong anti-fraud enforcement authority over commodities, including digital assets, when necessary. The CFTC will also act to ensure that certain margined, leveraged, or financed digital asset trading offered to retail U.S. customers must occur on properly registered and regulated exchanges.  Moreover, as the Bitfinex order reflects, the CFTC will take decisive action against those who choose to violate CFTC orders,” added McGonagle.


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