China COVID-19 cases surge, raises containment measures, tests millions


Scaling up measures to stem COVID-19

Local authorities have been urged to ramp up epidemic monitoring and information reporting amid the resurgence of reported infections.

Chinese cities Tianjin, Sh

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anghai, and Manzhouli have scaled up measures to contain COVID-19 as temperatures drop in the country.

Other countries, including the United States, have seen a surge in the daily COVID-19 tally due to the cold weather. As of this posting, the U.S. has recorded 12.3 million coronavirus cases and 257,000 deaths.

Experts said recent flare-ups in China showed there is still a risk of the virus returning.

China has resorted to a heavy approach every time new cases of local transmission are reported. Schools and hospitals are closed down, residential communities undergo restrictive lockdowns, and millions are tested to prevent a further spike.


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