Chipotle Turns to Automation to Offset Staff Shortages


Now, post-COVID, these staffing issues aren’t projected to go away anytime soon. As a result of this, Chipotle has chosen automation as the best step forward for the company.

Will more companies follow suit?

As time passes, automation is something that people should get used to seeing in various forms. Many big box stores, such as Walmart, for instance, already have self-checkout machines.

The restaurant industry has especially absorbed some hard hits from issues with staffing. Amid various reports of many people quitting their jobs, this further led to a higher demand for labor.

Meanwhile, with inflation making the costs of labor go up for businesses, this too creates an incentive for companies to embrace automation.

Despite critics of artificial intelligence, there are some folks who believe humans can work with automation and use it to their advantage in the workforce, rather than being pushed into unemployment because of it.

Time will tell. However, as things currently stand, it’s hard to imagine automation going away anytime soon.