Civil Air Patrol Search and Rescue Volunteers are Unsung Life Savers


Providing Assistance after Hurricanes and Tornados

When parts of the United States are impacted by damaging weather, the Civil Air Patrol is one of the first groups to respond. In coastal areas of Florida and Mississippi, the Civil Air Patrol arrives quickly to assist with disaster relief after hurricanes. The Civil Air Patrol also helps people in the Plain States when tornadoes strike. The pilots bring in emergency aid and take aerial photographs for officials to assess the damage. They also bring in the donations from relief organizations around the country. In 2004, Florida was heavily damaged by Hurricane Charley, the CAP provided help in Port Charlotte and the surrounding areas.

Real American Heroes

Unfortunately, most people are completely unaware of the work that the Civil Air Patrol does. It is time to change this. More media outlets need to cover the Civil Air Patrol to share the good things that this organization does in the United States and around the world. Once people learn about the good things that the CAP does, it is safe to say that more will sign up and participate in this volunteer organization. It does not matter if people can fly or not, the CAP is open to United States citizens who want to help those who need it the most.