Diversity a Top Priority for Professional Associations – Vetted Solutions and David Rehr Study


While associations within different trades and professions are designed to pursue the best interests of those industries, they also have another priority right now: increased diversity among their ranks. According to a new study conducted by executive search firm Vetted Solutions and co-authored by David Rehr, the Senior Associate Dean at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School, 81% of association leaders count diversity among the core values of their groups.

The findings were published in a recent report titled “Diversity and Inclusion: Core Values Among Associations,” and written by Rehr and Vetted Solutions President James Zaniello. The report recounted both the origins and findings of the study, which surveyed more than 225 individuals working in the association sector.

David Rehr and James Zaniello conceived the concept for the research collaboratively, based on their respective work histories. Rehr is an expert in associations, having played leadership roles for groups such as the National Association of Broadcasters and the National Beer Wholesalers Association. He has previously been named by the popular political newspaper The Hill as one of the country’s “Top Association Lobbyists.” Zaniello, meanwhile, has worked closely with associations to recruit executives and other top talent. Together, the two theorized that associations often play “a leadership role in moving the country forward,” and authored a survey to measure the importance of diversity and inclusion play in directing association efforts.

Originally posted 2017-06-30 19:13:52.