Study Reveals Most Associations Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion but Lack Success Benchmarks


Associations have the power to influence the industries and professions they represent, and their reach is often global. However, while the recent study, Diversity and Inclusion: Core Values Among Associations, identified diversity and inclusion as top priorities within associations, it also suggested that organizations don’t have clear benchmarks to measure the success of their initiatives. Moreover, diversity and inclusion in the recruitment process remains a challenge, and leadership responsibilities need to be more clearly defined.

Vetted Solutions President James Zaniello, who has helped recruit top talent and executives for associations, and I, the former National Association of Broadcasters CEO, co-authored the study in question, based on the hypothesis that associations have the power to increase diversity and inclusion in the industries they represent. It was vital to uncover the current extent of diversity and inclusion within associations, how people view its importance, and what actions could be taken to make a positive impact going forward.

Originally posted 2017-06-30 20:49:02.