Where Did Cohen’s Money Come From?


Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, announced that he has important information regarding money paid to Michael Cohen. He says that a Russian billionaire sent Trump’s former attorney $500,000.

Remember that Stormy Daniels is a porn actress who recently claimed that she was in an affair with Donald Trump in 2006. Cohen allegedly paid her $130,000 to keep quiet about the affair.

Proofs or Rumors?

Avenatti also stated that different companies deposited thousands of dollars into Cohen’s account. He names AT&T, a huge pharmaceutical company called Novartis, and Korea Aerospace. On Tuesday evening, AT&T confirmed the connection with Michael Cohen.

Michael Avenatti, however, didn’t release any documentation, and he didn’t reveal his source. He did present a seven-page memo, in which he detailed what he called wire transfers going out and into Cohen’s account. One of the transfers was to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Donald Trump denies that he was in any relationship with the porn actress.

Companies Not Hiding Payments

AT&T confirmed that they, in fact, did pay Michael Cohen in 2017. They say that they were seeking better understand the new administration. Michael Avenatti stated that AT&T paid a total of $200,000 to Cohen between late 2017 and early 2018.