Is the Conservative Alternative to Obamacare Steadily Approaching?


Deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley moreover affirms that the Trump White House is supportive of the Heritage Foundation’s latest ambitions:

The White House fully supports the efforts of a broad coalition working to address the Obamacare disaster and increase affordable healthcare options for middle-class Americans.

The Ongoing Obamacare Debate

Controversies surrounding Obamacare have existed since the inception of the bill. Democrats supported the legislation, claiming that poor Americans were granted healthcare. However, Republicans noted the pitfalls of forcing the people of this country to purchase a brand of healthcare which may not be usable or affordable. Many Americans also complained that the individual mandate harmed them. However, although both sides heard the points of one another, their overall opinions remained unchanged.

Even during the GOP’s attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, conservatives ultimately failed at reaching common ground. After each presentation of an alternative, multiple GOP leaders claimed the bill did not “fully” repeal Obamacare. Some conservatives countered, opining that a partial repeal is better than no repeal. Nevertheless, not enough Republicans saw it this way in order to secure the needed votes and get the legislation on President Trump’s desk.