Countries Which Permit Import of Drugs into America May No Longer Receive Aid


On Friday, President Trump affirmed that countries which permit the importation of drugs into the United States may cease to receive aid from America, as noted by CNN.

President Trump on Countries Permitting the Entry of Drugs into the U.S.

The President expressed his aversion to drugs in America during his time at Virginia’s Customs and Border Protection National Training Center:

I want to stop the aid. If they can’t stop drugs from coming in, [because] they can stop them a lot easier than us. They say, ‘oh we can’t control it.’ Oh great, we’re supposed to control it. We give them billions and billions of dollars, and they don’t do what they’re supposed to be doing, and they know that. But we’re going to take a very harsh action.

President Trump then continued by calling out the countries he deems as problematic regarding the entry of drugs:

We want strong borders. We want to give you laws, we want to stop the catch and release nonsense that goes on. You catch somebody and you release them. You know they’re bad. They’re pouring in from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, all over. They’re just pouring into our country. These countries are not our friends, you know.

The Plight of Drugs In America

The plight of drugs in America is a critical cause for concern. Further reports from CNN affirm that drugs kill more people than guns and cars. To make matters even worse, deaths engendered by drugs have surged in all 50 states. According to U.S. epidemiologists, increases in heroin usage and synthetic opioid consumption are prevalent factors in fatalities caused by drugs.