COVID Vaccines Fail to Stop Rising Case Numbers


At the inception of the COVID pandemic, health officials promised the American public that vaccinations served as the golden ticket to ending the pandemic. However, with more than half of the nation immunized against COVID, the facts don’t support these claims from health officials.

Since the distribution of COVID vaccines, there are at least two known variants with the propensity to resist immunizations. These variants are delta and mu and there’s no telling whether or not more variants will come.

Moreover, as time passes, there are increasing reports of fully vaccinated people contracting, spreading, and even dying from coronavirus. This gives credence to the notion that there are no guarantees whether you take the COVID vaccine or not.

Amid all of this, reports now confirm that COVID cases are rising to levels only seen during last winter.

The reality of COVID in the United States

Right now, the delta variant is the assumed cause of mounting coronavirus cases. This furthermore implies that the vaccine lacks significant effectiveness against this variant.