Delta Airlines Raises Awareness About Human Trafficking


When most folks go through airports, they’re trying to make their flights, not miss a connection, or get to baggage claim to reclaim their luggage.

It’s a fact that many people aren’t thinking about human trafficking or perpetrators who may also be in the airport to transport their victims from point a to point b….or to pay a human trafficker to abuse someone.

Unfortunately, air travel is a method that human traffickers regularly use to execute their crimes. This makes it all the more imperative for not just travelers, but also airport/airline workers to be on guard and know what to look out for.

Thankfully, Delta Airlines has made a commitment to support the fight against human trafficking.

A closer look at Delta’s commitment to fighting human trafficking

Last month was National Human Trafficking Awareness/Prevention Month. Via its news hub, Delta revealed that throughout January, it used its partnership with Polaris to inform its customers about human trafficking and how to stop it.