As a whole, Democrats are still largely divided on the idea of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi serving as the next Speaker of the House, reports The Hill.
A Closer Look at the Possibility of ‘Speaker Pelosi’
At this time, Nancy Pelosi is currently facing least 15 House Democrats who are unsupportive of her latest political ambitions. Democrats who oppose the House Minority Leader’s plans to become the next House Speaker issued the following public statement to The Hill:
“While we appreciate Leader Pelosi’s broad commitment to our effort, we have yet to receive specific commitments to our proposed rules changes that would help ‘Break the Gridlock’ and allow for true bipartisan governing in this new era of divided government.”
House Democrats moreover stated that talks with Pelosi resulted in a “stalemate.” Therefore, liberal lawmakers remain unsupportive; yet, they declared to “keep working with the Leader and others in hope of reaching consensus on specific rules changes for more bipartisan, common sense governing.”
More on Pelosi’s Aims to Become the Next House Speaker
Pelosi is currently working on compromises in order to secure the necessary 218 votes to become House Speaker. The House Minority Leader has until January 2019 to win over her colleagues and garner the needed support.