House Democrats Likely to Focus on Healthcare in 2019


Democrats are likely to focus on healthcare in America after assuming their new majority in the House of Representatives, reports The Hill.

An Overview of House Democrats and Healthcare

Democrats’ regain of control in the House of Representatives has prompted conversations of what is to come from liberal lawmakers. According to pollster Mallory Newall, House Democrats will prioritize healthcare as a matter of importance.

“I think health care will probably be one of the marquee issues for Democrats this cycle.”

Newall also added that climate change and the environment will receive attention from House Democrats.

“Climate change definitely is more important to Democrats than to others in the country. We see this in our polling as well. Each week polling, we ask what’s the most important issue in the country. We see that climate change or the environment is third place among Democrats right now, behind healthcare and the economy.”

The Initiatives of House Democrats

Similarly to other matters, healthcare is a very touchy subject. Views of appropriate healthcare provision are largely impacted by partisanship. Over the past year, liberal and leftists have expressed their support for Medicare-for-all. However, conservatives and right-wingers maintain that socialized healthcare will result in poorer quality. Left-leaning Americans, of course, deny such assertions.