Which Direction is Best for the Democrat Party: Liberal or Moderate?


As the 2020 presidential election gets closer, more and more questions are being raised about the two major political parties in America.

On Thursday, Democrat candidate and Sen. Elizabeth Warren struggled when asked about the best direction for her party.

What Lies Ahead for the Democrat Party?

During a sit-down with MSNBC, Warren faced questions about whether or not the Democrat Party ought to embrace liberalism or a more moderate stance. However, when Warren answered, she opined that Democrats should concentrate on being a more “grassroots” party.

In Warren’s own words:

“I want our party to be more grassroots. I want our party to be more connected all across this country. And I’ll tell you how I look at it: I look at that in terms of money.”

The 2020 presidential candidate then proceeded to affirm that she does not accept money from large organizations. Apparently, Warren believes that this makes her a “grassroots” candidate.

“I don’t take PAC money of any kind. I don’t take Washington lobbyist money of any kind. And I’ve made the decision that I’m going to spend my time with grassroots all around this country trying to build a movement. Now, that’s a different way to try to power a campaign, to power a presidential campaign.”