Doe v. Merck Could See SCOTUS Weigh On In Legality Of Mandatory Vaccines


With vaccines on the horizon for the COVID-19 pandemic, much attention has been paid to how the distribution will work.

Many have wondered if people will be forced by their employers, schools, or even entertainment facilities to take the vaccine and to have proof handy showing that they have taken the vaccine.

Which inevitably comes back to other forced vaccinations, like the MMR vaccine that one has to get before being allowed to be enrolled at just about any school.

A case that has been ongoing for a long time is Doe v. Merck which could now find its way to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS).

The crux of the case is the argument by the plaintiff that the mercury in thimerosal-containing vaccines caused his autism disorder.

The plaintiff believes that the MMR vaccine for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella that was administered to him in 1999 is responsible for his condition.

The attorneys for the plaintiff named the manufacturer of the vaccine, Merck & Co., along with several government agencies including Health and Human Services, HHS Secretary Thomas Price, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, and the United States of America.