Most of us would love to stop the march of father time and scientists are now testing stem cell treatments for aging that may be able to do just that. Human clinical trials are ongoing and the results so far are positive. These trials are tackling all facets of aging and age related diseases including frailty due to aging, cardiac degeneration, strokes, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. All of these studies are preliminary, but the results that scientists have witnessed so far have been remarkable.
Cardiac Stem Cell Healing
One of the most common problems we face as we age is a decline in our heart health. The treatments available to us now involve invasive techniques, and in many cases open heart surgery. These operations are risky propositions no matter how experienced the surgeon is. That’s why scientists and medical professionals are so excited about the promising results so far in treating cardiac problems with stem cell therapy.
At the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center tests are being conducted that infuse young cardiac stem cells in rats into aging adult rats. The tests have yielded positive results that suggest reversing cardiac degeneration in the elderly is possible. Of course, these are not human trials, so caution is warranted, but it’s a promising starting point. Other age related studies have included human trials and treatments.
Stroke Patients Recover
Positive results have also been observed while treating stroke patients with stem cell therapy. Strokes aren’t exclusively an age related illness, but they are most common in the elderly. They’re often caused by plaque build-up in the arteries that blocks blood flow to the brain and prevents it from getting enough oxygen to continue normal function. The results of a stroke can be devastating and can leave the patient unable to speak properly or walk.