Federal Employees Turn to Food Banks for Nourishment


The Capital Area Food Bank has vowed to provide aid to the 250,000 federal workers who live in the area. Furthermore, the provision of aid will continue until the government is reopened.

More on Federal Employees During the Government Shutdown

It goes without saying that federal employees are having a very tough time during this ongoing government shutdown. While the Trump administration and Congressional Democrat leaders remain at odds, government workers are left with the shortest end of the stick.

Therefore, federal employees have begun expressing their displeasure in various forms. These forms largely include protesting; although some workers have already brought a lawsuit against the Trump administration.

The aforementioned lawsuit maintains that forcing federal workers to continue performing services without pay is a violation of the 13th Amendment.

Ultimately, there is still no apparent upcoming resolution to the government shutdown. President Trump remains determined to gain the funding for his promised barrier at the Southern border. Democratic leaders, on the other hand, still appear firm in their refusal to pass legislation which provides the necessary capital.