First Lady Melania Trump Will Visit Africa During Solo International Trip


On Monday, The Hill reported that First Lady Melania Trump will visit Africa during a solo international trip.

An Overview of the Upcoming Solo International Trip

The first lady’s solo tour will commence in October. Americans have not learned the specific dates. However, Trump did issue the following public statement:

“This will be my first time traveling to Africa and I am excited to educate myself on the issues facing children throughout the continent, while also learning about its rich culture and history. We are a global society. I believe it is through open dialogue and the exchanging of ideas that we have a real opportunity to learn from one another.”

Development programs in Africa are what reportedly motivated the first lady to schedule a trip to the continent.

More on Melania Trump

On Monday morning, the first lady spoke at the Cyberbullying Prevention Summit in Rockland, Maryland. She cited social media as an “inevitable part of our children’s daily lives.” Trump continued, stating that although social media can be used positively, incorrect usage can be “destructive and harmful.”