Florida DNC Member John Parker Resigns after Racist Comment

Florida DNC Member Resigns

Florida Democratic National Committee (DNC) member John Parker resigned after he reportedly made racist comment against African Americans.

Parker referred to African Americans as “colored people during a party meeting on January 22. In addition, he allegedly called school desegregation “inappropriate” and other racial remarks.

During an interview with Politico, he explained that he jumbled the phrase and what he really meant was “people of color.”

According to Parker, “I misspoke and used the term colored people when I meant people of color.” He apologized for his remark. However, he also denied the allegations that he used other racially insensitive comments against African Americans.

He finally stepped down after Democrats including his wife, Lisa King, the chairwoman of the Duval County Democratic Executive Committee (DCDEC) and Florida Democratic Party (FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo, called for his resignation.

Florida Democrats Lisa King and John Parker
Duval County Democratic Executive Committee (DCDEC) Chair Lisa King and her husband John Parker