Florida Gov. Rick Scott Website RickScott.com For Sale – Competitors Bid


In the last Presidential election cycle, Jeb Bush was humiliated by a political enemy picking up JebBush.com and redirecting it to Trump.

Now it looks like Florida Governor Rick Scott finds himself in a similar position with RickScott.com being for sale on GoDaddy:

Rumors are that Rick Scott is planning a run for the Senate and that it is going to be a highly contested race.

It’s rumored that some of Rick Scott’s foes are already bidding on the domain name, which could be a devastating blow for Scott should they acquire it.

Currently Rick Scott uses FLGov.com as his domain name, but that would not be the domain for his Senate race.

The auction for the domain name says there are 3 days left on the domain.  It should be interesting to see who acquires it and how they use it in this upcoming Senate election.