The Radicals Are Trying to Drive U.S. Environmental Policy


If you woke up one morning startled to find your neighborhood invaded by shabbily-dressed radicals complaining about the rape of the environment you’d probably soon discover– that Alex Cohen or someone very much like him was responsible.

Cohen is the co-founder of the Earth Defense Coalition, a group that uses web-based technology to identify sites allegedly at risk to environmental harm and then mobilizes people to protest. Their mission “of saving the Earth” puts them at odds with just about any living thing.

The EDC has a website but that’s it. Since the group isn’t designated as a non-profit organization by the IRS, it doesn’t have to file forms disclosing its funding sources. As part of a loosely-connected national network of radicals, EDC recruits mobs that make environmental protests look compelling on television and in print.

Remember protests in North Dakota regarding an energy pipeline that supposedly transgressed native Indian lands? The EDC and Cohen allegedly tried to stop cleaner, cheaper energy from getting to market. For a group that wants to “save the planet,” it’s ironic the massive amount of garbage they left behind after their protest. Trash has the potential to cause more environmental harm than the pipeline, which is now operational, ever could.

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Crystal Wright
Crystal Wright is author of the newly released book Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division. As a black conservative woman living in Washington, D.C, some would say she is a triple minority: woman, black and a Republican living in a Democrat dominated city. She’s contemplating moving back to her home state of Virginia, where her vote would count for something. By day, Crystal is a communications consultant and editor and publisher of the blog Conservative Black Chick. Crystal earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Georgetown University and holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Theatre from Virginia Commonwealth University. Wright is the principal owner of the Baker Wright Group, LLC , a full service public relations firm, specializing in communications counseling, media relations, message development, media training and crisis communications. The firm’s approach is straight forward: an unvarnished approach to public relations.