Florida Governor Signs into Law Statewide Anti-Riot Legislation


Across countless left-wing inner cities, riots have brought devastation and destruction. Minneapolis is one prime example; night after night, leftists in the city have gotten into physical confrontations with police, ruined small businesses, and laid siege to public property.

Meanwhile, Democrat congressmembers like Maxine Waters and Rashida Tlaib are encouraging more intense confrontation and calling to dismantle policing. At this point, it is clear that Democrats will not act to bring this chaos to a halt. However, the story is very different for Republican leaders.

This morning, Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis signed the anti-riot bill known as H.B. 1 into law.

What to know about Florida’s anti-riot bill

H.B. 1 went into law the moment that Governor DeSantis signed it on Monday. Due to this legislation, local governments that interfere with law enforcement doing their jobs will be liable for the harm caused as a result.

Furthermore, “aggravated riots” in Florida are now second-degree felonies; this means that demonstrators are not allowed to block traffic, cause property damage, or threaten the use of a lethal weapon as many rioters have done.