White House Works to Distance Biden from Extreme Rhetoric on Riots, Policing


Amid debates on policing, several Democrat lawmakers are responsible for rhetoric that only serves to further inflame tensions and anger.

Last week, House Rep. Rashida Tlaib tweeted out that policing, the military, and prisons are beyond reform and should therefore face dismantling. This past weekend, House Rep. Maxine Waters called for Minneapolis demonstrators to become more aggressive and confrontational.

Needless to say, this type of rhetoric is facing immense pushback from conservatives and others who disagree. Moreover, many Americans are now looking to President Biden to determine his stance on the type of talk coming from Democrat congressmembers like Tlaib and Waters.

On Monday, the White House continued its ongoing work to distance the 46th president from the extreme rhetoric regarding riots and the future of policing in America.

The official statements from the White House

Before the weekend, the White House stated that President Biden does not harbor Tlaib’s view that police should no longer operate in America. Instead, White House aide Jen Psaki announced that Biden backs police reform and looks forward to signing a bill of this nature into law.