Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane Disbarred

Former Pennsylvania AG Kathleen Kane

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who is serving a jail sentence for various criminal offenses, finally lost her license to practice law in the state.

On Friday, the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ordered Kane’s disbarment on consent from the state’s Bar.

In September 2015, the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania temporarily suspended Kane’s law license. At the time, she submitted her unconditional resignation from the practice of law in the state because she was facing criminal charges.

Criminal offenses

On August 2016, the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas convicted her of criminal offenses including perjury, false swearing, obstructing administration of law, conspiracy to obstruct administration of law, official oppression, and conspiracy to commit oppression to deny rights.

During the sentencing hearing in October 2016, Kane pleaded for leniency citing the reason that she has teenage children. She also argued that losing her law license and position as attorney general was already a punishment. Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy disagreed and sentenced her to 10-23 months in jail and 8 years of probation.