Free Speech to be Upheld on Texas College Campuses


New developments have affirmed that Texas is moving to preserve free speech on college campuses.

The push for the preservation of free speech on college campuses comes amidst concerns about the censorship of conservative ideas.

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Texas Sen. Joan Huffman provided details about the state’s pro-free speech bill which would apply on college campuses.

The statement subsequently reads as follows:

“Colleges and universities should provide the opportunity for students to hear others’ points of view in a free and unrestrained manner. Senate Bill 18 is a direct result of the Committee’s process of hearings and research toward that goal. This bill was constructed in an objective, non-partisan manner and will be applied equally to all groups and points of view.”

The Senate Bill 18 has also already passed with full support. In a nutshell, Texas colleges and universities will have to uphold free speech. This will require penalizing those who attempt to infringe upon free speech and furthermore setting up a process for those with concerns about censorship on campuses.