George W. Bush Slaps Trump in Speech

George W. Bush and Donald Trump

President George W. Bush rebuked Donald Trump in a speech in New York City yesterday. It was an implicit, but undeniable, critique of the current state of affairs in Washington and around the country.

Bush Never Mentions the President’s Name

Bush never once uttered Trump’s name, but it was obvious what his intentions were. “Bigotry seems emboldened,” he lamented. “Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.” It seems like Bush was referencing “fake news” here.

Bush’s speech was a rousing call to protect American democratic institutions from domestic and foreign threats. “We need a renewed emphasis on civic learning in schools,” he said, adding that “the only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them.”

“Bigotry in Any Form is Blasphemy Against the American Creed”

The former president painted the picture of an identity crisis gripping America. “We…need to recover our identity.” “To renew our country, we only need to remember our values.”