Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is upholding his support for the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Ducey is convinced that the latest Republican health care bill is the “best path forward.” He endorsed the Graham-Cassidy bill in a tweet on Monday even if he still doesn’t know its impact to Arizona.
On Wednesday, the Republican governor told reporters, “Obamacare is a failure. It’s time for it to go.”
In Arizona, 400,000 people were added to the state’s Medicaid program because of the existing health care law. When asked if he could guarantee that none of them will lose their health coverage, Ducey did give a direct answer. “Well, I haven’t seen the final bill,” that was his response.
Gov. Ducey doesn’t want a bill that penalizes Arizona
Based on his statement, Ducey still doesn’t the impact of Graham-Cassidy bill on Arizona. According to him, his staff is analyzing the possible effects of the legislation on the state’s Medicaid program.
He emphasized, “I don’t want a bill that is going to penalize Arizona.” He wants a bill that provides states with “maximum flexibility” for Medicaid and private insurance market.