Gov. Wolf Signs Bill Expanding Prescription Drug Coverage for Pennsylvania Seniors


Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf signed into law a legislation that expands prescription drug coverage for seniors across the state.

House Bill 270, now Act 87 of 2018 increases the maximum income limits in the Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly Needs Enhancement Tier (PACENET) program. As a result, additional 17,000 seniors will be able to participate in the program.

PACENET program allows qualified elderly Pennsylvanian to prescription drugs at lower prices. It is considered as one of the best prescription drug assistance programs in the nation.

Under the legislation, the PACENET program’s annual maximum income limit is $27,500 for a single person and $35,500 for married Pennsylvanians. An increase of $4,000 from the previous maximum income limits for single and married couples.

Ensuring access to health care services for older Pennsylvanians

In a statement on Tuesday, Wolf said his administration’s priority is to ensure “access to necessary health care services, including prescription drugs” for older Pennsylvanians.