Government debt at post-WWII levels following COVID-19 pandemic


To top it off, population growth had reached 1% by the early 1960s in seven of the most advanced economies.

Today, the numbers are not nearly as rosy — the U.S., UK, and Germany have seen GDP growth levels around 2% annually, while Ja

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pan and France hover around 1%. Italy has fared worse and remained relatively stagnant.

A commonality across multiple countries is the role central banks play. In the United States, the Fed owns $4 trillion of the $26 trillion federal debt. The same goes for Japan, whose central banks owns $4 trillion of the governments $11 trillion.

Thus, arises the problem of paying down massive government debts without the robust economic growth seen throughout the 1950s. While experts argue that the current debt levels are not the end all, be all, the issue exists, nonetheless.


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