Hillary Clinton Has Literally Blamed Everyone For Her Election Loss – Except Herself!


In fact, Hillary was so aware of her ranking with the American people that she was forced to cheat Bernie Sanders during the primary election with superdelegates. This was an act that secured the Democrat nomination, but contributed in her losing the election. In other words, she won the battle, but lost the war. Many Democrats truly loved Bernie and passionately supported him. They were disgusted with the underhanded methods employed by the DNC and Hillary to win the nomination. Many of these supporters went on to vote for Trump, just to spite their own party.

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Ladies and gentlemen across America should view Hillary Clinton as the embodiment of what not to do and be. For starters, intimidating your husband’s rape victims is deplorable. Traumatizing a rape victim in court and then laughing about it on tape years later probably is not the best course of action; neither is deleting thousands of emails and then wiping the server with a cloth. At some point, our actions catch up with us, regardless of our level of infamy. Karma always finds those who are deserving of it. In Hillary’s case, her karma arrived in the form of losing an election that millions believed she would win. Apparently, she is still licking her wounds.