House GOP Leaders Raise Millions Ahead of 2022 Midterms


America’s 2022 midterms elections are coming up and shaping up to be quite the showdown.

Typically, the party in the White House loses the midterms during the off-year, so this already bodes well for Republicans. Another factor that looks promising to the GOP is the reality that the Democrats’ congressional majorities are each razor thin.

Over the course of this year, several different polls have shown that Republicans are widely expected to take back control of the House of Representatives. However, the GOP isn’t just leaving this up to chance or good luck.

Republicans in Congress are strategizing and focusing on the necessary districts. Furthermore, House Republican leaders have already raised multiple millions of dollars ahead of next year’s midterms.

GOP fundraising for the 2022 midterm elections

At this time, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise has raised a grand total of $16.1 million ahead of next year’s midterms; Scalise’s campaign made this announcement on Monday, something that signals strong support for the House GOP leader.