House Speaker Ryan Denounces Domestic Violence


Earlier today, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan publicly condemned domestic violence, reports The Hill.

Speaker Ryan on Domestic Violence

The House Speaker shared the hereinafter remarks with reporters hours ago:

Clearly we should all be condemning domestic violence. if a person who commits domestic violence gets in the government, then there is a breakdown in the vetting system and that breakdown needs to be addressed.

Speaker Ryan also shared his thoughts regarding the White House’s “vetting system” :

The White House clearly [has] work to do to fix their vetting system. I don’t know exactly how they will do that. I’ll leave that to them, but Chairman Gowdy is doing his proper job and oversight.

Domestic Violence and Political Service

Similarly to sexual assault, domestic violence has been moved to the forefront of political controversy. This comes after claims against former White House staff secretary Rob Porter. Porter currently faces accusations from two of his former wives who allege that Porter subjected them to domestic violence during their marriages.