Interactive Brokers to pay $38M to settle with U.S. regulators


The CFTC ordered Interactive Brokers to pay a civil penalty of $11.5 million and to disgorge $706,214 earned in part from its role as the Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) carrying the accounts of Haena Park and her companies, which were the subject of a 2018 CFTC enforcement action.

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In December 2018, a federal court ordered Park and her companies to pay more than $23 million in penalties and restitution for committing fraud and misappropriating investor funds.

CFTC Director of Enforcement James McDonald said, “Our regulatory regime requires certain intermediaries to monitor and report suspicious activity. These suspicious activity reports—or SARs—serve as key tools that we, together with our regulatory partners, use to identify fraud, manipulation, and other wrongdoing in our markets—often at the earliest stages.”


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