JOB ALERT: Amazon is Hiring Thousands of Workers to Fill Corporate and Tech Positions


Amazon hosted Career Day events in six U.S. cities last year. More than 200,000 people applied for jobs in the week leading up to the events.  This year’s event is virtual, thus everyone can participate regardless of their location.

In a statement, Amazon Senior Vice President of Human Resources Beth Galetti said, “COVID-19 continues to affect millions of people across the country, and people are eager for the opportunity to get back to work. We’ve created more jobs in the U.S. over the past decade than any other company – and we are continuing to hire people from all backgrounds and at all skill levels.”

Amazon is one of the biggest employers in the tech industry. Overall, it is the second-largest employer in the U.S., behind Walmart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT).


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