Job Interview Coming Up? Here Are a Few Tips for Making a Good Impression


Point out that you’re providing a specific skillset which they need. It all comes down to your prior research. If you’re truly a fit for the position, figuring out how you can help them won’t be a challenge.

Bonus Tip: “Becau

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se I’m a hard worker,” isn’t going to get you far. That’s what everyone else will say. Stand out.


Rest and Relaxation

Anyone who’s attended a job interview will tell you it’s pretty nerve-wracking. It’s doubly so for folks who suffer from anxiety disorders. That’s why it’s important to get proper rest before your interview.

The day before, do something that relaxes you. Do yoga, practice mediation, get an early night. If you know you’re going to struggle with sleep because you’re nervous, try exercise, and breathing techniques to calm yourself. Stay well-hydrated.

Remember that this interview is just one step on your journey. It’s one challenge you will face and conquer.


Physical Presentation

Be well groomed and appropriately dressed. Neatness goes a long way to impressing prospective employers. Don’t go overboard with cologne or perfume. It’s tempting to go all out and overdo it, but this will only come across desperate.